Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion. Business Finland’s 760 experts work in 40 offices globally and in 16 regional offices around Finland. Business Finland is part of the Team Finland network.
Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki
Teija Pakanen, EEN Coordinator (Oulu)
Tel. +358 40 835 9264
email: teija.pakanen(at)
Maarit Vuorio, Customer Coach (Tampere)
Tel. +358 40 584 5497
email: maarit.vuorio(at)
Katja Lindholm, Customer Coach (Rovaniemi)
Tel. +358 50 571 5696
email: katja.lindholm(at)
Emmi Nahi, EU Funding Advisor (Helsinki)
Tel. +358 50 433 7122
email: emmi.nahi(at)
Business Finland coordinates the Network in Finland.
The Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce, advocacy, networking and business support in the Nordic countries. We influence the business environment, provide versatile services and quality training. The Chamber of Commerce grants foreign trade documents and we provide connections to the world through the FinnCham network.
Kalevankatu 12, 00100 Helsinki
Tel. +358 9 228 601
email: een(at)
Maija Kärkäs, Assistant Director
Tel. +358 (09) 2286 0301
email: maija.karkas(at)
– EU law and EU funding
Johanna Marin-Hyppönen, Senior Advisor
Tel. +358 (09) 2286 0306
email: johanna.marin-hypponen(at)
– Information on countries and markets, EU funding
Mika Lahtinen, Lawyer
Tel. +358 (09) 2286 0316
email: mika.lahtinen(at)
– EU-law
Johanna Niemistö, Senior Advisor
Tel +358 9 2286 0238
email: johanna.niemisto(at)
– Information on countries and markets
Outi Toivanen, Sustainability advisor
Tel +358 453518807
email: outi.toivanen(at)
Business Turku coordinates the business and innovation services in the Turku region as well as strengthens the cooperation between the local universities, companies and municipalities to promote growth and well-being in the region.
Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 A,
FI-20520 Turku, Finland
Olli Mankonen, Growth Advisor
Tel. +358 400 921 937
email: olli.mankonen(at)
– Startup- and growth companies, ICT, bio, VC and growth financing
Megumi Hayashi, Business Advisor
Tel. +358 40 823 8117
email. megumi.hayashi(at)
Timo Huttunen, Network Manager
Tel. +358 40 719 2335
email. timo.huttunen(at)
– space business
Mari Kivinen, Growth Advisor
Tel. +358 500 449286
email: mari.kivinen(at)
location: Mikkeli
– market info, partner search, energy, networks
Satu Alapiha, Growth Advisor
Tel. +358 50 383 0355
email: satu.alapiha(at)
location: Seinäjoki
– market info, partner search, bioeconomy and agrofood