EU Finance Days 2023, Helsinki & online

Time: Thursday 5th October 2023 at 8.30-13.30

Place: Hybrid event
On-site: Eurooppasali, address: Malminkatu 16, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
Online: web streaming

Contact person: Maija Kärkäs, maija.karkas(at)

The event is free of charge but requires registration.

05.10.2023 - 05.10.2023

This event provides first-hand information on the new EU business support programmes such as the InvestEU, the European Innovation Council and the Single Market Programme for financial institutions, national promotional banks, business support structures, multipliers, SMEs and other potential beneficiaries like universities, municipalities, etc.

08:30 Welcome, Light Breakfast

09:00 Introductory Remarks
Astrid Bartels, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Maria Kokkonen, Deputy Head of European Commission Representation in Finland
Jaani Pietikainen, Head of EIB Group Office for Finland

09:20 InvestEU
General information on the InvestEU Fund and its windows, the InvestEU Advisory Hub and the InvestEU Portal, including short Q&A.
Ramona Ocak, European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs
Tsvyatko Velikov, European Commission, DG Energy
Suvi Lammi, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion
Astrid Bartels, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Jochen Brodersen, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

10.05 Implementation of InvestEU
The EIB Group implementation plan: debt and equity products, including short Q&A.
Juho Aminoff, European Investment Fund
Roland Kampe, European Investment Fund
Jaani Pietikainen, Head of EIB Group Office for Finland

Financing Opportunites in Finland
Dmitri Kouznetsov, Head of Public Sector & Utilities, Nordic Investment Bank
Elias Jokinen, EU Finance Manager, Finnvera
Emmi Nahi, Business Finland

11:00 Networking Break (Tea, Coffee)

11:30 European Innovation Council
Funding (through the EIC Accelerator) and investments (managed by the EIC Fund) for individual start-ups and SMEs to develop and scale up game changing innovations, including a short Q&A.
Ekke Van Vliet, European Innovation Council & SMEs Executive Agency
Minna Leisvuori, EIC Investment Services, EIB
Vicente Calvo Alonso, CEO Comptek Solutions Oy (local EIC beneficiary)

12:10 Single Market Programme
Various forms of support to businesses in particular SMEs in order to foster a favourable business environment: Enterprise Europe Network, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, IPR Helpdesk, including a short Q&A.
Maija Kärkäs, Enterprise Europe Network, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
Antti Lahnajärvi, Environmental Impacts Academy

12:45 – 13:30 Networking Lunch





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