#GIS2021 – Global Innovation Summit 2021

18.05.2021 - 20.05.2021

Welcome to

#GIS2021 – Global Innovation Summit 2021

Exploring new perspectives

In a changing world, the brave take the path of uncertainty to explore, innovate and create. Their journey goes onwards and upwards, as ideas grow and evolve and challenges change perspectives, processes and principles.

Are you in the business of innovation?
Are you looking to collaborate globally?
Are you at the scale up point in your business cycle?

Be part of something bigger!

18 – 20 May 2021 – Meet like-minded people, meet people you want to learn from!

The Global Innovation Summit is an international meeting place for businesses and innovators to share and exchange knowledge, to network, to collaborate and secure future business growth opportunities. Businesses from across the globe will come together and share their distinctive insights and collaborative solutions. International speakers will tell their exciting stories, share the growth and journey of their ideas and innovations. You will be networking in your own field of interest and expertise. Participation is free of charge.

Main Topics

Green Transition

The Green Deal as an economic, ecological and social transformation process is one of the centre pieces of political discourse at both international and national levels. One objective of the summit is to support the innovative developments towards green transition and the associated importance of the role of research and innovation programmes.


The reconstruction of the economy and international cooperation after the Corona crisis will play an important role in 2021. The summit’s goal is to take stock of the situation one year after the outbreak of the Corona crisis and to reflect on the resulting consequences for the European and international economic and RTI system.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transition and its impact is another priority of this year’s summit. Here we seek to promote networking among innovative international SMEs and global companies from the Eureka network during a structured exchange of innovative ideas with regard to digital and sustainable development goals.

Participation is free of charge

We are planning a virtual event with limited on-site attendance and unlimited virtual attendance. Depending on the ever-changing COVID-19 regulations for live events, we will react as flexibly as possible regarding the number of participants that will be able to join #GIS2021 in person. We will provide all the necessary security measures for our on-site attendees from all over the world.

For more information on #GIS2021, its speakers and a more detailed agenda please visit https://www.gis2021.com/


Please register by 19 May 2021


Contact person in Finland

Ms. Teija Pakanen

Enterprise Europe Network, Business Finland


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