IoT Brokerage Event 2019, Barcelona, Spain

29.10.2019 - 31.10.2019

Enterprise Europe Network organises the 5th IoT Brokerage Event on 29-30-31 October 2019, as a side event to the IoT Solutions World Congress 2019 held in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona).

This Brokerage Event will provide you with the unique opportunity to meet potential partners related to the three digital transformation technologies that are revolutionizing businesses: IoT, AI and Blockchain. By participating in the 20-minute pre-scheduled B2B meetings, you will have the chance to find the right contacts to build new cross-border international business and technology partnership.

Why participate:

– Actively establish contacts, thus saving time and resources.
– Find new international partners with whom develop business, technological and research cooperation projects.
– Schedule face-to-face meetings in advance according to your interests & availability.
– Expand your professional network and form long-term business relationships.
– Gain visibility at the world’s IoT leading event.


– Registration: 24th October

– Booking of meetings: 25th September – 31st October

– Brokerage event: 29th – 31st October

The participation at the Brokerage Event is free of charge.
However, participants will either need a Visitor or Congress Pass to enter the fairground.
If required, Brokerage participants with confirmed meetings will receive a few days before the event:
a free Visitor Pass code and/or a 50% discount code on the Congress Full Pass.

More information and registration:


Contact person in Finland: Hannele Halmetoja, hannele.halmetoja(a)

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