BIG.MATCH is a brokerage event on the Green Deal topic aimed at creating business matchmaking among actors of the innovation ecosystem and it will be held on this platform on December 16th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CET. It will be open at the international level to:
- Match.Point participants (corporates and start-ups/scale-ups)
- Accelerators & Incubators
- Innovation related Associations & Agencies
- Innovation clusters
- Companies, start-ups/scale-ups interested in the Green Deal topics
- Innovation laboratory
- Public Institutions & Authorities
- R&D Institutions & Research Centers
- Universities
- Venture Capitals & Business Angel
- Any other actor interested in innovation related to Green Deal topics
Each interested actor will be able to apply for participating in this event from October 27th until December 15th, 2021 at 6 p.m. CET.
BIG.MATCH will be a unique occasion to meet strategic partners and important actors of the Green economy international innovation ecosystem. The event will give you the possibility to meet them and to start a collaboration with them, helping you reaching your sustainable objectives.

How can you benefit from this event?
- Register to the program by filling in the application form with all the details necessary to clearly state your value proposition and select the challenges you want to candidate for
- Deepen your understanding about the Corporate’s needs which generate the Challenge/s by browsing their profiles
- Work on how your solution/service could best match the Corporate’s needs
- Prepare yourself to meet the Corporate partners in 1to1 matchmaking calls
- Be proactive and prone to build strong business relationships