Take the opportunity to connect with future key partners during the B2B meetings! You can request pre-arranged business meetings according to your personalised search criteria, enabling you to make the most of your visit.
- Biomass, biogas, waste to energy
- Anaerobic digestion
- Cogeneration, biomethane, bioGNV
- Boilers, torrefaction, pyrolysis, pyrogasification, plasma
- Combined heat and power from small to large scale
- Heat distribution networks
- Syngas, Bio oil
- Feedstock and fuel supply
- Handling and storage
- Energy service providers
- Consultancy
Free of charge, but registration is needed.
More information and registration: https://biogaz-europe-2019.b2match.io/
Yhteyshenkilö Suomessa: Mari Kivinen, Enterprise Europe Network – Turku Science Park, mari.kivinen@turkubusinessregion.com