Welcome to Cooperation Opportunities for the Polish-Finnish ICT Sector!
Three ICT clusters
- Interizon (Gdansk, Poland)
- ITCorner (Wroclaw, Poland) and
- Turku Awakens (Turku, Finland)
joined forces and formed an Alliance with about 250 ICT companies. Together we present our expertise and seek new business opportunities both in Poland and in Finland.
The Alliance organizes events regularly. In the first event on 8 Sept 2020 we introduce our clusters and Digitalization / E-commerce success case from each cluster, followed by one-to-one online meetings. Join us to hear about the latest projects our companies are working on and find opportunities for yourself! Participation is free of charge and open to all related companies.
Topics addressed:
- Open data
- Software developers
- Autonomous vehicles and autonomous solutions for maritime industry
- AI and Machine learning in Digital healthcare
- Digital transformation & Industry 4.0
- IoT – Embedded systems
- Oursourcing of IT services and BPO
Registration and more information: https://opportunities-for-polish-finnish-ict.b2match.io/
Yhteyshenkilö: Megumi Hayashi, EEN Suomi / Turku Science Park, megumi.hayashi@turkubusinessregion.com