Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona goes this year online on theme The worldwide digital native event for cities. The new concept Smart City Live will consist of a full-day, broadcast television show on day one, with interviews, debates, and success stories focusing on how COVID-19 has impacted cities and is redefining citizens’ normality, plus a program on day two featuring workshops, sessions, and side events, which will gather key players and global institutions to tackle the challenges beyond the short-term impact of the pandemic. Follow the event #SCLive2020
You can connect with industry leaders and public stakeholders at the 7th edition of the Smart City Brokerage Event. #SmartCityBrokerage This edition the brokerage event will be virtual as well.
Main Topics
- Future challenges in urban mobility
- Technologies to address urban challenges and health crisis
- Redesigning cities and urban living
- Challenges and opportunities of the economic recovery
- Resilient infrastructures and urban environment to build back better
- The future of retail in a digital era.
More information and registration on the brokerage event
A Virtual Brokerage Event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in face-2-face talks. 20 minutes run fast but usually it is enough to build first connections, then the bell rings and the next talk starts.
How it works and the schedule
3 Agust- 09 Nov |
13 Oct – 18 Nov | Book and schedule your meetings |
17 – 18 Nov | Brokerage Event virtual meetings |
NB: organisations offering generic services not related to smart cities topics are not allowed to participate. Please read also conditions of participation on the website.
Contact person in Finland
Johanna Niemistö
Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce
johanna.niemisto (at)