Swiss Finnish E-Mobility & Energy – Insights to Cross-border Business Opportunities and Challenges, Helsinki

10.10.2018 - 10.10.2018

E-mobility is on the verge of major expansion in Europe. Connected systems, renewable energy sources, storage and management as well as measuring are essential parts of its development, challenging both the public and private sectors.

Finland and Switzerland rank amongst the leading countries in e-mobility and face similar challenges. What is currently going on? How can the two countries mutually benefit from each other in terms of research, test results and practical experience? Is there any opportunity to transfer know-how, co-operate, invest or sell? How to find the right contacts in the public or private sector?

The Chamber of Commerce Finland-Switzerland, Greater Geneva Bern Area and the Finland Chamber of Commerce together with the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Europe Network and Business Finland invite you to share and gather insights to the challenges and possibilities of cross-border business in e-mobility & energy knowhow, and to network.

See the full program

The event is in English and free of charge.

Please register latest on Friday 5 October through the link:
Further information on Greater Geneva Bern area can be found here


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