Kiinnostaako Belgian terveysalan markkinat tai haetko belgialaisia yhteistyökumppaneita? Nyt on oiva tilaisuus tutustua belgialaisiin terveysalan yrityksiin Belgian suurlähetystössä järjestettävässä matchmaking-tilaisuudessa. Kaikille osallistujille tarjotaan mahdollisuus omalle yritysesitykselle ja verkottumiseen.
Tämä matchmaking-tilaisuus järjestetään HIMSS Europe ja Health 2.0 -konferenssin oheistapahtumana tiistaina 11.6.2019 klo 18-20. Tilaisuuden tarkoituksena on vahvistaa suomalaisten ja belgialaisten yritysten yhteistyötä sekä löytää uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia suomalaisille yrityksille.
Alla lyhyet kuvaukset paikalle tulevista belgialaisista yrityksistä. Tietoja täydennetään vielä.
Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen.
Aika: Tiistaina 11.6.2019 kello 18:00 – 20:00
Paikka: Belgian suurlähetystö, Kalliolinnantie 5, 00140 Helsinki
Ilmoittautumiset keskiviikkoon 5.6.2019 mennessä osoitteeseen
Kirsi Armanto
Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Business Finland
Verkostoyritykset ja tutkimus
Mobile: +358 50 396 2846
Matchmaking-tapahtumaan osallistuvat belgialaiset yritykset
Thomas Vande Casteele, Co-founder & CEO
What we do (Solution):
Platform to supercharge care teams and patients to realize better outcomes at lower costs
How we do it:
Care teams use the Awell software to design, build, execute and optimize smart care pathways
Our next steps:
Find local partners for commercialisation
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Healthcare consultants, Pharma
BeWell Innovations NV
Alain Mampuya, CEO
Dries Oeyen, Business Development
What we do (Solution):
Selftesting kiosk and advanced patient platform for the hospital environment
How we do it:
Sell to Hospitals, pharma
Our next steps:
International expansion
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Health Tech and Health IT
CHIREC Hospital
Dr. Laure Ysebrant
What we do (Solution):
Preventive medicine
How we do it:
Precision medicine and integrative care
Our next steps:
Implementation of highly personalised preventive medicine
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Bio informatric engineer, genomic sequencing companies
Brice de Behault, Managing Director
What we do (Solution):
We work on health information management. Our goal is to increase the quality of medical records. We offer solutions in Clinical NLP and terminologies health information management
How we do it:
Mainly through cutting edge technologies. We have strong solutions in Clinical NLP and terminologies
Our next steps:
Grow both internationnally (Western and Northern Europe) and productwise. We want to assist care institutions at every level of their health information efforts.
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
CMIOs, EPR resellers, Data scientists for hospitals. Anyone who can increase our end user reach or help us leverage the value of medical records
Koen Kas, CEO
What we do (Solution):
unlocking & connecting, data silos, using combos of digital, biological, design & business model solutions we scout for. We believe we can help build a world where one gets ill no more – every company will become a health company.
How we do it:
We help you to add Delight to your current products & services by unlocking & connecting
data silos, using combos of digital, biological, design & business model solutions we scout for
Our next steps:
Launching a Tripadvisor for Digital health tools – Help pharma / life science build patient Companions
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Health Villages (Terveyskylä), Smart Life Finland
Mathieu Noirhomme, CEO
What we do (Solution):
Howami gives care teams, hospital managers and policy makers a constant window on what patients understand, feel & live, so as to identify novel agile ways to stimulate patients’ adherence, improve quality and reduce costs. It applies Service Design principles to the health sector.
How we do it:
It is organized as a multi-users platform that documents the subjective patient’s perspective on “his life with the illness”, and translate it into actionable data to allow all actors of the value chain taking better-informed decisions (e.g. anticipate on patient drop-off, reframe service organization).
Our next steps:
We are currently developing the MVP on one disease in Belgium. We design technical features allowing to adapt to any disease, hospital & country, and creating ext. business opportunities
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Hospital mgt, Public Health actors, Clinicians, IT Cies
Legal PME
Anne Mauhin, Director
What we do (Solution):
Legal services for staff management & commercial issues, for mid-size growing companies
How we do it:
Service company
Our next steps:
Growth (hiring + first international sales)
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
* startupers & growing companies
* Other service providers to growing companies
Dries Hens, CBDO
Emanouil Kazaltzis, CTO
What we do (Solution):
LynxCare is an AI-powered Big Data platform for hospitals and clinics. We enable healthcare providers to efficiently aggregate & analyse data around the outcomes of their procedures/treatments
How we do it:
Proprietary Text Mining (NLP) on a data lake allows to mine all data sources (structured, semi-structured and unstructured) and ingests hospital data in ‘raw’ format allowing very swift integration with the EMR.
Our next steps:
Commercial expansion in reference hospitals with a shared vision on the importance of outcome-driven care. Pilot our platform in other countries.
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Hospital mgt, Clinicians, Health IT companies
Opal Solutions
Xavier Rouby, CEO & Founder
What we do (Solution):
Cost reduction & worklife improvement for medical staff in hospitals
How we do it:
Decision support software with operational dashboards, data collection and processing
Our next steps:
Growth (hiring + fundrising + more customers + first international sales)
People I would like to meet at the B2B event:
Potential tech & sales partners (= companies with the same targets); leads
What we do (Solution):
AI-based solution to detect, analyse and prevent falls of elderly in hospitals, nursing homes and service flats.
What we do (Solution):
Connected Self-management finger princk test solution
What we do (Solution):
E-health project
What we do (Solution):
European Authorized Representative Center providing services and “EU Responsible Person” services aimed at Non-EU & EU Manufacturers (specialized in medical devices and e-health solutions)
What we do (Solution):
The Brussels cluster for innovation in health