Hakeeko yrityksesi kansainvälisiä liikekumppaneita? Etsitkö alihankkijaa, edustajaa tai kumppania tuotekehitykseen? Tai etsitkö kumppania EU-rahoitushakuun? Enterprise Europe Network -verkoston avulla voit löytää esimerkiksi myyntikanavia, franchising-partnereita, alihankintaa tai vaikkapa kartoittaa mahdollisuuksia yhteisyrityksen perustamiseen.
Tällä hetkellä verkostossa on mm. tällaisia hakuja käynnissä. Ota yhteyttä, jos haluat näistä kumppanihauista lisätietoja. Verkoston kaikki kumppanihaut löydät Yrityskontaktipörssistä.
Italia: Italian company involved in the field of energy efficiency offers its distribution and commercial services to a potential supplier | Italian company, located in the Sicilian province of Trapani, operates in the energy efficiency sector, with high quality products which respect the environment. The company aims at acting as agent or distributor for foreign suppliers interested in introducing their products in Italy. More information: BRIT20220804017
Espanja: Looking for packaging solutions for take away food made in Europe – noodle box, salad box, burger bags | Spanish company is looking for packaging solutions for take away food made in Europe (noodle box, salad box, burger bags). More information: BRES20220713006
Slovakia: Slovak Game Development Studio, looking for global partnerships and investments in the ecological gaming and crypto-gaming sectors | An innovative game development studio based in Bratislava combines casual gaming and blockchain rewards to plant real trees in the real world. The company also offers their skilled designers and/or developers for the production of new game projects. More information: BRSK20220701001
Italia: Italian company of innovative high quality frozen foods gives the possibility to foreign companies in the frozen food industry to enter the Italian retail market | Founded in 2012, the company offers to its customers innovative frozen products according to market demands, responding or anticipating consumer needs. The company could act as distributor for foreign companies working in the frozen food industry to enter products in the Italian retail market exploiting their leading position. More information: BRIT20220628017
Puola: Polish company requests prefabricated houses, pergolas and winter gardens | A Polish company is interested in single-storey (optionally with mezzanine), modern-looking houses with a tongue and groove siding. Pergolas should have an electric sliding roof, and winter gardens’ walls also should be movable. More information: BRPL20220701005